Friday, November 28, 2008

have a nice trip; see you next f.a.l.l.

These images are several weeks old but it's taken a while to upload them and find some free time to actually update.

The trees in North Carolina are beautiful in the fall, when the leaves begin to change colors.
They change at several different paces but by the time you notice many have begun to change, within a matter of days, they have all fallen off the tree.

In Elon, the trees are incredible. I had thought to myself several times, "I really just need to grab my camera and GET OUT THERE and take some pictures before it's too late!"
One afternoon, I got back from class with a little bit of time to spare. The weather was completely perfect.
So I grabbed my camera and went.

In retrospect, I couldn't be happier I went when I did.
Literally, less than a week later, the same trees I took photos of had none of their leaves left (or, if they did, the color was completely lackluster).

Feel free to click on these for full view (actual size) and use them as backgrounds; they make really nice fall desktop images!

So: the trees of Elon.

(I could create two separate posts here but, let's be honest, I should take advantage of this while I'm on a roll, yeah?)

On the same afternoon trip, I crossed the tracks across from my house and discovered a gem that I had only recently heard about and had not visited until then: a rose garden, with the most full, beautiful roses I have ever seen.
They can make a photographer out of anyone.

And the smell was breathtakingly fragrant and wonderful.

Wishing you a lovely end to your fall season.

Sincerely with love,