Tuesday, June 2, 2009

summer @ elsewhere.


So, it's been a while...?

In short, the semester was a bit of a disaster. And although I still feel some things looming over me that may or may not have been taken care of before I departed, it is (for the most part) behind me.
But two fabulous things did occur this semester: I secured an internship position at elsewhere and I designed my first set of costumes in the theater department at Elon and...ever, really. It was successful, I think, and I learned so much. I think the opportunity presented itself at just the right time and, although it was very time intensive, was an experience that I very much needed for a whole slew of reasons. After emerging on the other side, it is an experience that I am sure I would like to be a part of again. And I was finally exposed to some of the students within the department on a much more personal level, which was very fun.

My internship at elsewhere has begun!! I started with a staff meeting last week, and so my second full week commenced today. My schedule is very flexible, as long as I ensure that I complete at least 20 hours of work a week. The museum is open to the public Wednesday-Saturday from 1pm-11pm, but Tuesdays are staff days. I came in on a very good week, I think- it was the kick-off to "urban green", a whole week's worth of events celebrating the completion of the urban, alley garden that has been an ongoing project for quite some time.

I am completely engaged and pleased and satisfied not only with my position(s) there but also with the people that I have had a chance to meet and work with (collaborate with, if you will). In short: I couldn't be happier.

The atmosphere is just what I needed, self-prescribed I think. I think the best way to explain it is that I not only feel comfortable and lose myself in an alternate universe of discovery, but the people that I am encountering are all of the same mindset (we are all together to collaborate and create works of art within the space that, in turn, will help us involve and educate our community that we are a part of) yet they are not afraid of their individuality and their unique voice, which is so empowering. It's a nice community for me right now, for my growth, I think. And the process of learning and collaborating and creating is ongoing, using objects that are in a constant state of change and "re-birth", so to speak.

I'm nearly positive I've posted the link here before but, just for good measure, I'm throwing it in again:

My official title is "fashion/wardrobe intern". A large part of my position requires me to organize/be responsible for the extensive wardrobe that seemingly multiplies on a regular basis in a small room on the 2nd floor of the building. Before I leave at the end of the summer, the wardrobe will (God help me...) be completely reorganized and a new system will be set in place for maintaining that organization. In addition, all of the clothing in the building will be contained in a small space that can be easily accessed. Smart, right? Put the obsessive compulsive organizer in a room full of costumes and have her go at it. It's perfect. I'm in hog heaven, really.

But, in addition, my job changes on a daily basis. I'm there to assist the artists working with whatever they need. And I'm learning how to work the front desk, to welcome visitors. I'm also working at the events, to help prepare or manage the crowds during the event. This has been really fun, getting to meet members of the community. I have really enjoyed that.

We regularly have events on Friday evenings, at 8pm. In the month of June, these events will be a series of artist conversations that are interactive.

We also have a food co-op, which has been really interesting just to get the hang of. But I've helped cook dinner (all the food is vegetarian) and I've begun to get a little more involved in that. The teamwork process of a co-op is really inspiring, actually, and such a community-builder.

Because I so easily lose myself at/in elsewhere, I have yet to assess the rest of my summer life: meeting up with old friends, babysitting, actually tying up all those lose ends at school (unpacking my things from school to home!?), and being on top of a normal lifestyle at home, as well. These are all things that, I hope, will fall into place as my schedule becomes a little more consistent at work. But I will continue to enjoy myself.

I have taken a few pictures at elsewhere, particularly of the wardrobe as it progresses. Those images will come soon, I promise.

In the meantime, if you're reading this locally, I'd be really thrilled to see your face at the museum any time, be it during an event or even normal business hours. I'll give you a mini tour (the best I know how, at this point?).

Thanks for your patience during this semester, with the lack of blog postage. I'm terrible, honestly, and I vow to be better this summer (isn't that always the case? Poor summer, is always having responsibility piled on top of it that it, so often, cannot realistically handle).

In the meantime... :)


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