Monday, August 25, 2008

a box of patterns

My mom has always been the sewer. Well, and just about everything else, for that matter.
Our unfinished basement is filled with 20, 30 rubbermaid containers, stuffed to the brim with fabric- interior fabric, curtain fabric, upholstery fabric, clothing fabric, ribbons, etc.
Our collection is fairly impressive, and I've only recently begun adding my share to our stash.

It'd be even nicer if we were to utilize this fabric. But at the rate we're going, it'd take about 8 lifetimes to use it all, for one thing or another.

In the midst of the basement, stashed away behind some cardboard boxes on one of the many, spider-infested shelves, I discovered a blue tub of patterns my mom once stumbled upon at a yard sale. The patterns are incredible- most of them date back to the 60s and 70s. 

I think what intrigues me most about these patterns is not what you might expect:
yes, inside the colorful and informational 
sleeves, there IS a pattern for creating your own clothes with whatever fabric you might choose.

 But my favorite part of the pattern is the illustration on the outside. It's actually what intrigues me most about fashion designers; besides their actual ability to create outfits from an idea in their head, it's the transfer to 
paper that I love- their 
artistic talents often go unnoticed but their ability to sketch the human figure, 
give that figure the attitude that they might portray when they are wearing said ensemble, 
and create the right texture, flow, and shading that the fabrics will create on the body is really incredible.

I have added one pattern to the tub since my initial "tub discovery" a few weeks ago. I found it at "Lost in Time Antique Mall" in Winston-Salem, NC. 
It was $1- quite a steal. I couldn't pass it up, especially considering the face of the model in the red dress. She's so sassy.

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