Friday, January 2, 2009

fall semester, 2008

Well, it seems that another semester has come and gone.
I think I gained the most from my classes and experiences this semester than ever before, and really enjoyed most of the classes I took: Strategic Writing, Playwriting, Corporate Publishing, and Photojournalism.
The last few weeks were incredibly stressful but I'm pretty pleased with the work that I produced over the course of the past few months.

Below is a collection of some of my favorite photographs from the fall semester, only a few of which I used for my photojournalism class. The rest are just some guilty pleasures. :)


Photojournalism "Fashion" assignment:

Special thanks to Kelly Wardle and Liz Passannante, Emily Mooney, and Ashley Dischinger for lending me their dashing good looks for these photos.

**REMINDER: you can click on any of these photos to view them in their entirety. The photo above is a prime example of one that looks best in full view.

Other Photojournalism assignments:

And a few odds and ends:

As a final sidenote, I'll be in London for the next three weeks! I'm actually sitting in the airport, nearly ready to board our plane.
Elon offers a unique winter term for the first three weeks of January. The time is ideal for studying abroad and this will be my first opportunity to do so through Elon's many programs.
The class I'll be taking is called The Photographers Gaze. There's nearly 30 of us and we'll be accompanied by two professors. The purpose of the course is to portray, through photography, how the many various cultures in London have adapted and converged.
At the moment, I'll admit: I'm just a tad bit nervous.
But I'm also excited. The class will be very challenging academically, and personally. Approaching people for photographs is not my strongest point. But I certainly will work on it while I'm there and I've had a whole semester to practice within Burlington and Elon.

At any rate, I've PROMISED myself I'll be updating this blog very frequently- multiple times a week (I hope) while I'm there.
Please check back if you're interested to know how things are going while I'm there.

I know the time will fly by and we have quite a bit planned. Our days are packed. We'll be staying in very nice flats (apartments) while we're there and once I get settled (Saturday morning), things will start to fall into place, I think.

I have Skype, which I'll use to stay in contact with family and friends, and internet access in our rooms.

Thanks for all the well wishes and support! I'll miss everyone terribly but I'll be back before you know it!

Love to all,

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