Saturday, January 24, 2009

i bought a pair of suspenders.

It's both upsetting and unbelievable for me to type, right now at this very moment, and know that I have only two more days in this fantastic city left to accomplish a whole list of things that haven't yet been accomplished: there are still so many museums, performances, markets, shops and streets that I haven't been to and, at this point, will certainly not get the chance to do this time around.

That's why there's always next time...I hope?

Many of the people we've met here have insisted that we return someday. Vanessa and I were even offered a free plane ticket to return to Mile End! But it's true, I think: you can't do everything you want in London when you're just "on holiday". You have to come and really spend some time here to be able to do both "tourist-y" things and live as the locals do, so to speak.

At any rate, my time here IS coming to a close and I suppose I'm finally coming to terms with it. And it will be nice to return home.

I mentioned, I think, that the fashion here in London is exceptional (and if I hadn't, you would've been able to gather if you're aware of the fashion industry at all today). A personal goal of mine, coming here, was to snap photographs of people or outfits that inspired me while I was here, but that was quite a bit easier thought than done. Not only would my camera have to be out, on, and ready to snap at any given moment, I'd be putting quite a few people on edge, no matter how discreetly I could have taken the photo. Needless to say, I haven't got one photo of a male or female whose fashion inspires me.


I have been documenting my own fashion evolution, if you will.
In retrospect, it would've been great to have gotten a shot every day. But, as fashion goes, some days are better than others.
These were a few of the more inspired outfits I've worn here.
The first one is with my new suspenders, from H&M.

I'll have to snap a photo when I return home, displaying my fashion wares that I've purchased here. My goal, as far as purchasing clothing here is concerned, was to purchase clothing items that were distinctly European, that I more than likely wouldn't be able to find as easily in the States. This includes a new pair of boots, multiple pairs of tights, a few skirts and a few tops, and a gray beret. I've made my purchases in some pretty unique locations, as well: chain stores on Oxford Street, markets, vintage stores on Camden Road (incredibly bizarre punk/vintage section of London), and antique malls. I'm ecstatic about coming home and assembling some incredibly eccentric outfits.

I took a day to walk through the parks in Mile End a few days back; many of the boroughs in London make incredible efforts to keep communities spruced up, clean, and constantly involved- planning events or building new community centers or parks.

A few years ago, The Green Bridge was built to connect multiple parks, or "green spaces", in the Mile End area.

A few more shots from some well-known spots in London:


Westminster Abbey:

Tonight is our final, celebratory dinner. All of us have been wrapping up our community work and squeezing in the last few tourist ventures that we can.

We'll be sure to make the most of our remaining time here.

Be home soon!

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